Why You Should Join Us For InkFEST!


Get your pencils sharpened for the InkFEST Virtual Mental Health Writers Festival on Saturday, November 14th.

This event features a yoga for writers session, a writing workshop by an award-winning published author with lived experience, and a panel discussion moderated by Kim Davids Mandar.

What especially excites me about attending the InkFest Virtual Mental Health Writers Festival is that it is a festival exploring and celebrating the literary dreams and achievements of writers who, despite the social stigma and challenges of mental illness, have prevailed to contribute their voices to the fiercely competitive literary world.

This is a festival that celebrates these voices and its powerful potential to guide the world towards social progress.

It’s an opportunity for those of us with lived experience to celebrate the progress and influence of mad voices in the literary world as well as learn how we can support each other on this incredible journey.

Many writer's conferences and festivals can be pretty costly. Unfortunately, this doesn't make it financially accessible to folks who have been marginalized, such as those facing mental health challenges.

This is one of the many things that is so cool about this event: it is much more socially inclusive in its pricing than most writers conferences. A day pass for the festival is only $40. Admission is half-price for folks who are disabled and for those who are members of InkWell, it is free! There are also raffle prizes to be won!

During these socially distant times of Covid, I am also elated that the festival is online. This will give me the opportunity to connect with my lived experience literary community from the safety of my own home. I can't wait to attend and I look forward to seeing you there!

For more information on this exciting event please contact : info@inkwellworkshops.com

Tickets available here

Pam Chynn