Welcome to our first ROMWrites workshop! We are so thrilled to have you with us and we hope you’ll get inspired by some of the stories behind the ROM’s massive online collection.
If you’re facilitating a group, check out our guide before you begin!
If you’re writing on your own time, you can dive right in! Please email info@inkwellworkshops.com if you have any questions during the process - we’ll be happy to help you out.
Once you’ve finished the workshop, we’d love if you posted a comment on this page with a favourite line you wrote today, or a whole piece if you feel like it! You can also connect with our writing team on social media: @InkWellW on Twitter and @inkwellworkshops on Instagram. We love reading our writers’ work.
Now let’s get writing! Click the link below to open the PowerPoint workshop.
Who are these fine-feathered friends? And what can they teach us about our connections to each other?